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300 — Bitka kod Termopila

Izvor: Викицитат

300 je film iz 2006 godine. Film je bazirn na stripu Frenka Milera o bici kod Termopila, 480 pne.

Režija: Zek Snajder. Scenario: Zek Snajder, Kurt Džonstad, Majkl Gordon
Prepare for glory!


  • Ovo je Sparta! (THIS IS SPARTA!)
  • Ovdje se branimo! Ovdje oni umiru! (This is where we fight! This is where they die!)
  • Blokiraćemo persijski obalni napad obnavljanjem velikog Fokijskog zida. A odatle ćemo ih usmeriti u planinski prevoj koji zovemo Vrela vrata. Sada, u tom uskom hodniku, njihov broj se neće računati, a talas za talasom persijskog napada će se razbijati o spartanske štitove. Kserksovi gubici će biti tako veliki, njegovi ljudi tako demoralisani, da neće imati drugog izbora nego da napusti svoj pohod! (We will block the Persian coastal assault by rebuilding the great Phocian Wall. And from there, we will funnel them into the mountain pass we call the Hot Gates. Now, in that narrow corridor, their numbers will count for nothing, and wave after wave of Persian attack will smash against Spartan shields. Xerxes' losses will be so great, his men so demoralized, he will have no choice but to abandon his campaign!)
  • Spartanci! Pripremite doručak i jedite obilno, jer večeras večeramo u paklu! (Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty, for tonight, we dine in Hell!)


  • Besmrtni, testirati ćemo njegovo ime. (Immortals, we put their name to the test.)

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